Join us for our September meeting of TU 678. We’ll be celebrating the
recent bait ban on the McKenzie from Hendricks Park to Hayden Bridge
passed by the ODFW Commission last week. We’ll also have a great
presentation by Pam Reber of the Coast Fork Watershed Council. Pam will
update us on CFWC restoration efforts, including their plans for their
River Celebration on September 22. As always, bring a friend, a couple
of bucks for a beer and come celebrate and learn about CFWC activities.
Where: Vets Club 1626 Willamette Street, Eugene
When: 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 12
What : Pam Reber on the Coast Fork Watershed Council’s restoration efforts
What to bring: A friend and couple of bucks for a beer
Hope to see you all there,
TU 678