Logging operation on the Upper McKenzie: Goose Island

The residents of McKenzie Bridge are up in arms over a proposed logging operation on the Upper McKenzie.

Upper McKenzie 2009

I don’t want to see new roads, heavy machinery, increased logging on the Upper McKenzie River watershed. But the angling community isn’t going to rally around a disjointed argument between disenfranchised NIMBY land owners and the Forest Service.

This issue will definitely require more scrutiny by McKenzie River advocates, and we’ll need to find more information about the specific impacts on our watersheds and fisheries. Stay tuned, and help us find out what’s really at stake.

The goal of the opposition is to drive the USFS to implement an independent Environmental Impact Statement on the project. You should sign on to their petition to halt the Goose Island project here to buy some time.

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4 Responses to Logging operation on the Upper McKenzie: Goose Island

  1. Snoopy Rodder says:


    Good to see this environmental issue on the blog. Shame the entire McKenzie River didn’t receive the Wild & Scenic category. Too many NIMBY river lovers cleared their back yards of trees and vegetation for their viewing pleasure. Nor have they protected about 50% of the McKenzie from hatchery fish pollution. Lane County government has turned its back on riparian zone regulation. Sad to say Springfield’s city council wants the return of the Hendrick’s to Bellinger section of the McKenzie to hatchery trout stocking. Then on the horizon are developers wanting more water rights.

    We either protect the entire river or loose it.


  2. Brandon H says:

    Matt,thanks for the heads up..signed and posted to facebook to get more support!!

  3. D.L. says:

    Sorry, but in this conomy I’ll take the side of timber jobs, very sad to see the poli-enviro agenda on this fishing blog.

  4. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    Hey DL, sorry to disappoint, but this blog has had an enviro agenda since day one. No fish = no fishing. -MS

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