From the Native Fish Society: For the first time in Oregon history, the ecological and economic cost of our hatchery system will be discussed at a State Legislative hearing next week in Salem.
Beginning at 8:30 am on January 18th, Jim Lichatowich, noted author and former Assistant Chief of Fisheries at ODFW, Dr. Hans Radtke, Natural Resources Economist, and Dr. Peter Paquet, Senior Biologist and Wildlife Director of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, will provide testimony to Senators in their fields of expertise concerning Oregon’s current hatchery operations.
Additionally, Native Fish Society’s Bill Bakke and Jim Myron will close the hearing by asking our Senators to take the necessary actions to ensure that State hatchery programs operate in an ecologically safe and economically responsible manner — the future of wild salmon and steelhead depend on it!
Members of Native Fish Society and the general public are welcome at the State Capitol for the hearing. We much appreciate the support of those able to attend!
To listen to the hearing online tomorrow click here
While there will not be opportunity for public testimony, motivated parties are invited to join us at 8am on the front steps of the Capital Building to show support for wild fish. The hearing will only last an hour, so you’ll be back at home or work before noon!