Trout Unlimited Meeting Tonight

Trout Unlimited Chapter 678 will be holding it’s monthly membership meeting the Vet’s Club at 7:00 PM. This month the meeting willl be held upstatir in the green room. Fly fishing guide Matt Ramsey will share some stories and images with our membership from outer Mongolia. Matt has guided for Sweetwater Travel’s fly fishing camps in Mongolia since 1998 in pursuit of taimen, the world’s largest salmonid. Matt’s presentation will focus on Mongolian culture, taimen conservation efforts and fishing for taimen. Naturally, the presentation will include liberal doses of fish porn.

As always, membership meetings are free and open to the public. Hope to see you there.–KM

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1 Response to Trout Unlimited Meeting Tonight

  1. moon says:

    I am definitely looking forward to it…. Monica and I are going to head up a bit earlier and grab the burger and beer special at Macs in case anyone wants to join us.

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