Green Caddis Larvae Fly Tying Video

Both the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers get a nice hatch of McKenzie Green Caddis. The Adult is a huge bug see our CDC Green Caddis Video. In this video Barrett demonstrates how to tie a larval imitation of the Caddis. Using J: Son Silicon Backs with Legs the simple caddis imitation takes on a more life-like form.

Green Caddis Larvae

Green Caddis Larvae

Hook: TMC 2499 #10 or Daiichi Klinkhammer 1160
Bead: Plummeting Tungsten Bead Black 5/32
Thread: 8/0 Rusty Dun Uni
Caddis Back/Legs: J Son Silicon Legs/Backs size Med
Rib: Ultra Wire Olive Small
Body: Mix of Har-Tron Green Caddis and STS Caddis Green Caddis

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2 Responses to Green Caddis Larvae Fly Tying Video

  1. moon says:

    Wow…. you really need a hair cut.

    Now that i no longer have dial up, these clips are pretty cool….

    Thank you.

  2. Heath Taylor says:

    I enjoyed the video, but it would help if you moved you camera angle or moved your hand away so we could see where you wrapped the legs in the front.

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