Fall Fishing in the Willamette Valley Very Good


October Caddis, Small Brown Caddis, Blue Winged Olives, Gray Drakes, Short Wing Stoneflies and Mahogany Duns are the key bugs this time of year. Successful nymphs include Tungsten Ice Prince, Possie Bugger and Copper John. For Steelhead try Moal Leaches, Green Butt Silver Hiltons, and Signature Intruders. The entire length of the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers are fishing well. Highlights include the upper McKenzie River for October Caddis and Short Wing Stones. The Willamette from Dexter to Springfield for aggressive Cutthroat and the occasional Steelhead. And the McKenzie below Leaburg for stacked up steelhead. Get out and there and enjoy, the days are getting shorter and shorter.






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5 Responses to Fall Fishing in the Willamette Valley Very Good

  1. island fisher says:

    Nice fish, escpecially that char

  2. Anthony says:

    Is that a Bull Trout? (pic 3)

  3. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    Yes bully on the moal leech swing above Leaburg 2 miles.

  4. troutdawg says:

    Nice shot sweet fish!

  5. Carp bivvies says:

    Wow those are beautiful rainbows, this reminds me why I started fly fishing.

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