This from the Oregon Sportsman…..
Notes from the counties.
Clatsop – Ben Childers caught nine trout and one Jack salmon from the bridge at Seaside, using “mud cats” for bait. The first silver-sides were hooked in this locality the first week in September.
Jackson – C. Costello, J. Hart, H. Hosler, and J. G. Hurt returned to Ashland from a day’s fishing trip on Big Butte Creek with sixty pounds of cut-throat trout and steel-head trout. Salmon eggs were the bait used.
Lake – During the past month, fishing has been excellent in the Chewaucan and Sycan Rivers. In one afternoon’s fishing in the Sycan River, Charles Weyburn, J. L. Taylor, and J. O. Miller of summer Lake caught 217 Dolly Varden trout.
Lane – Mr. A. C. Dixon of Eugene reports that in Mill Creek, which is a branch of the Mohawk, a record has been kept by parties who have been fishing in the stream. in a period of thirty days there were as many as three thousand trout caught, on a stretch of about four miles of the creek.
One more entry will be transcribed from the 1913 October edition of the Oregon Sportsman.
Jay Nicholas
Certainly nothing has changed in a century. Exploitation mentality still drives fishermen and consequently fisheries management.
“If I eat salmon without devoting myself to the continued survival of their community, I’ll soon find myself hungry.” – Derrick Jensen