Patagonia Rising playing Tues at the UofO

The Coalition Against Environmental Racism is proud to screen the Oregon premier of this remarkable environmental justice film: Patagonia Rising.

This is a FREE event with FREE desert.
The Screening is on Tuesday, May 24th, at 7PM in McKenzie Hall 240A.
Please email for more information.

Recently the Chilean government approved five dam proposals on the Baker and Pascua rivers in wild Patagonia. The dams are not only a threat to the ecosystems these rivers help sustain, but to the livelihood and well-being of it’s surrounding residents. The dams would displace a total of three dozen families, flood 14,000 acres of usable land, pose a threat to local wildlife including the endangered Southern Huemul deer, and insinuate clear-cutting in the surrounding areas. As fly-fishermen, we know the impacts hydroelectric dams can have on ecosystems. Help stop this one before its too late, get educated on this case and find out ways to become active!

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