Davis Lake Fly Fishing For Bass Report

fly fishing for bass in oregon

This Bass report brought to you from a couple of hard core anglers Chase Mellemann and Cody Catherall. These guys chase anything that swims and have that killer go after them attitude that have them fishing high water, cold water, Baja water and down under water. Check out their Blog thebajaproject.wordpress.com. Chase and Cody even got jobs in a fly shop this Summer in Idaho if you are out that way look them up. I guarantee they will have the local scene dialed in wherever they land. Both of them act like students when they are not on the water but I have yet to see a book in all their visits to the shop.-CD

fly fishing for bass in oregon

Chase Millemann and I fished Davis Lake for the first time this past weekend. We didn’t really know what to expect since the lake has only been ice-free for a week or two now.

fly fishing for bass in oregon

Although the lake was not fishing to it’s full potential, we were still able to get into a lot of fish. We spent our first day fishing heavy streamers and rubber legged bass bugs successfully, and we decided to change our tactics to poppers on the second day. Although the lake is still quite cold and conditions are not ideal for bringing fish to the surface, we were surprised by how eager the bucket mouths were to gobble down poppers in the reed beds.

fly fishing for bass in oregon

Big Bass

fly fishing for bass in oregon

fly fishing for bass in oregon

fly fishing for bass in oregon

fly fishing for bass in oregon

Fishing was fairly consistent throughout the day and many beautiful specimens were brought to hand. To hear more about the flies we used, the spots that were producing, and the story of the trip, check out our full report at thebajaproject.wordpress.com.

Cody Catherall.

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6 Responses to Davis Lake Fly Fishing For Bass Report

  1. Jim Terborg says:

    Great report and very nice bass. Remember, there is no limit on the number of bass you can keep in Davis. I always bring a stringer and a “priest” to Davis.

  2. themostdangerousanimal says:

    Awesome report, guys! I got excited when I saw this, and went today only to realize when I got home that our skunking was due to night time eloctroshocking and bass containment:

    I am sure Crane would have been a much better option.

  3. mike doughty says:

    great report and some fine ass bass!

  4. Goyito says:

    Many people have nominated Bin Ladin as Asshole of the Decade, but that hairy bastard never destroyed a great fishery. The mentally-retarded dickbrain who authorized the boom shockers on Davis should automatically be declared the Asshole of the Century by unanimous vote. I would like to see him tarred and feathered and sent out to Prineville Reservoir on a rail. Caddis Fly does not sell tar, but they have lots of feathers, and Aquaseal would work just fine. As for Davis, we are down to a near-worthless remnant population of trout, and a tiny fraction of the greatest bass fishery a fly angler could ever wish for. When you think of all the money wasted by ODFW and the tiny bit of good they do, you have to agree that this is one of the shittiest bureaucracies ever spawned. Have a nice day. Goyito.

  5. Mad Dog says:

    Do I understand Goyito right? I have been fishing Davis for years (20 +) and I know some years better than others, but I always thought on the bad years it was because of low water levels and the bass. Speaking of Bin Ladin…on 9/11 I was at Davis and didnt know what was going on in the world, but what I do remmeber is I never caught so many “BIG” rainbows in all my life. Now there killing the lake? I live on the coast and the ODFW said that the Hybrids they put in ten mile lake would never leave the lake. Guess what THEY LEFT. They started finding them in the rivers both north and south. I sure hope we dont end up with a dead lake. If we do? I dont think ODFW will re stock it….where they going to get the money? Oregon has no money. I personally think who ever put the bass in Davis to eat everything that moves (trout) another reason trout went by the way side in davis, also be tarred and feathered!

  6. JesusMGreen says:

    Nice post. Good to know this.

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