NW Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo Coming Soon!

Expo 092 069

From our man at the FFF Lou Verdugo:

The 2011 Northwest Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo is set for March 11 & 12 at the Linn County Expo Center in Albany, Oregon.

For over 20 years the NW Expo has been a fly tyer event. Five years ago a new vision was conceived to have an Expo for the total fly fisher. Since then the NW Fly Fishing Expo has evolved into a two day event with a full educational curriculum of over 90 classes and draws over 2,000 attendees. The NW Expo has been heralded as the “largest fly tying event west of the Mississippi”. The education class curriculum offering is the largest fly fishing education offering on the west coast. Vendors are starting to call it their show of choice. And with all its success the NW Expo is still an event planned and delivered by volunteers from the fly fishing clubs in Oregon.

Surrounding the tyers are over 50 vendors in booths. These vendors of the fly fishing industry represent fly fishing products from fly tying materials to boats. Each vendor features items for the fly angler from beginner to expert. An area of special interest is the Entrepreneur booths were small start up fly fishing oriented companies are able to introduce their innovative new products or businesses.

In addition to the fly tying venue, casting is a feature event at the Expo. The Expo features a 70 foot casting pond on the main floor where certified casting instructors give demonstrations each hour. Spey casters have an outdoor Spey casting pond to practice and receive instruction. In addition to the casting pond there is an acre of space indoors for individual and group casting instruction.

The Expo also features an hourly raffle where attendees are able to win prizes donated by attending vendors and companies throughout the fly fishing industry.

The Expo finishes with a banquet on Saturday evening with the highlight for the dinner, an oral auction. Auctions of the past have featured guided trips, lodge trips, rods, reels, artwork, sculptures, and just about anything associated to fly fishing.

Attendees are encouraged to buy tickets in advance as the dinner consistently sells out before the Expo has ended. All proceeds are dedicated to education and conservation efforts in Oregon. Learn more about the Expo and sign up for classes or purchase banquet tickets at NWFlyTyerExpo.com.

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