Barrett demonstrates how to tie one of his favorite March Brown dry fly patterns.
We like this one because it rides low to the water and is relatively sparse when hackle wraps are minimized. Change the color of the wing/post for visibility sake if needed. This “thorax” style fly works great for Blue Winged Olives and Pale Morning Duns as well. Simply change your hook size, body color, and hackle to match the given adult Mayfly.
Thorax March Brown Dry Fly
Hook: Daiichi 1180 or TMC 100 12-16
Thread Ultra Thread 70 Denier Rusty Brown
Tail: Moose Body Hair
Body: Micro Fine Dubbing Tan
Wing: Sparkle Emerger Yarn Tan
Hackle: One Brown and one Grizzly Saddle or Neck Hackle
March Browns have been emerging the the lower McKenzie and Willamette Rivers. Fishing will be worth a look when water conditions stabilize. Nymph early with Stonefly Nymphs, Mega Prince and Possie Buggers, look for March Brown adults in riffles, and swing soft hackles on inside turns.–CD