Winter steelheading with Jay and Hickman

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4 Responses to Winter steelheading with Jay and Hickman

  1. Fred Hayes says:

    god bless you sir,
    your posts always provide such joy!

    i will be on the south umpqua today with my son (15years) in our koffler db with our flyrods due to your inspiration.

    semper piscatory and semper fi!!!

  2. David Jensen says:

    On Alsea down low yesterday. We got a couple of mint bright hatchery hens, plus many cutthroat. Nice and warm for a boat ride.

  3. Jay Nicholas says:

    Fred: Thanks for your kind thoughts. River time provides so much to us like minded fish people. Much more adventure to come! JN

  4. Token Trees says:

    no, thank you

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