Volunteers needed for Long Tom cutthroat trout monitoring

The Long Tom Watershed Council is looking for 8-10 volunteers to help monitor the migration of coastal cutthroat trout in streams near Monroe. The goal of the project is to learn about the migration behavior of resident and fluvial-migrating cutthroat in the Long Tom Watershed. This information will help prioritize restoration projects benefiting these fish. Duties will include: Checking fish traps, assisting Council and/or ODFW staff with backpack electro-fishing, and installing PIT tags in collected fish.

Coastal Cutthroat

Hours & Timeline: Volunteers needed from February through May Must be able to commit to minimum of 4-5 hrs every 1-2 weeks 3-day rotation: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Volunteers must attend mandatory training at the Long Tom Waterhshed office in Eugene on January 29th @ 11:00 a.m.

Deadline to respond: 1/28/2011. Please contact Rob Hoshaw 541-338-7060 or operations@longtom.org to volunteer or learn more.

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