It’s prime time to get after Winter Steelhead around the state of Oregon. Water conditions are excellent and in some cases getting really low and clear. The Cocktail Shrimp fly was designed to fish by itself (or with another fly to get it down quickly) in low clear water with spooky pressured fish. The fly has those “Shrimpy Steelhead Colors” and a hefty hook you want in a fly this time of year. In addition is uses Hareline Dubbin Pseudo Hackle which is an excellent synthetic hackle we have been using more and more. Have a few of these in the box for this years Winter Steelheading adventures.
Winter Steelhead Cocktail Shrimp Fly
Hook: Daiichi 2571 #2-6
Thread: Ultra Thread 140D Fl. Pink
Tail: UV Pink Krystal Flash
Eyes: Black Mono Eyes
Shellback: Shrimp Pink Swiss Straw
Weight: Lead .030
Body: Shell Pink Ice Dub
Hackle: Shrimp Pink Pseudo Hackle
Rib: Pink U140 or Silver Wire