Jay Nicholas’s Elk River Estuary Shrimp Chinook Salmon Fly Tying Video

Jay says he has often caught chinook salmon in the estuaries that have small gray shrimp in their bellies. This shrimp fly is designed to imitate those forage critters.

Elk River Estuary Shrimp Fly Jay Nicholas Chinook Salmon Pattern

Jay Nicholas’s Elk River Estuary Shrimp

Hook: TMC 811S Saltwater Fly Tying Hook #4
Thread: Lagartaun X-Strong 150 Denier Black
Eyes: EP Crustacean Eyes Crab + Shrimp Med or Large
Tail: Gray Bucktail, UV Gray Krystal Flash
Body: Hareline Plus Adams Gray+ Ice Dub UV Gray
Hackle/Feelers: Grizzly Saddle Hackle

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2 Responses to Jay Nicholas’s Elk River Estuary Shrimp Chinook Salmon Fly Tying Video

  1. Nate K. says:

    I can pretty much guarantee that this fly will catch more than chinook. Nice one, Jay.

  2. Jay Nicholas says:

    Thanks Nate. Sometimes subtle is the recipe for success, and clear water is the perfect environment to fish this fly and similar flies for salmon and steelhead. Hummm. Suppose trout in lakes would eat this fly?


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