Trout Season on the Upper McKenzie Winding Down

Upper River Rainbow

One last week remains for the upper McKenzie River. The prime fishing window seems to have shifted to later afternoon. Blue Winged Olives, small caddis and October Caddis remain, but water temperature are cooling, and the the all day activity we saw in September is gone.

Good trout fishing can still be had these days one just needs to look a little lower in the McKenzie or the Middle Fork of the Willamette near Oakridge. Water levels will most likely remain low below Hill Creek Dam throughout the late fall and winter. Nymphing with Mega Prince, Possie Buggers, small Pheasant tails will produce action regardless of water temps. Swinging Orange body Soft Hackles can also be good on the lower river the last couple of weeks of the season.

The heavy rain we are getting tonight will undoubtably raise water levels locally, but look for them to come back and for steelhead fishing to be excellent. Saturday steelheading remained very consistent with activity from Dexter Dam on the Middle Fork of the Willamette all the way to Valley River in downtown Eugene.

The rain is pounding the Bahamas are calling, keep an eye out for on-site reports from Abaco Island.–CD

Bahamas Gear

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