Rob’s Zebra Comet Chinook Salmon Fly, Fly Tying Video

Rob lets us behind the curtain on this one. Comets have been great Chinook Salmon flies for years. Black and blue, black and Orange, Orange and gold are a few of the classic comets that have proven themselves over the years. Modern materials that offer superb contrast and “glowing” profiles work as well, and Rob shows us how to tie his new killer in this video.–CD

Rob's Zebra Chinook Salmon Fly

Rob’s Zebra Tail Comet Chinook Salmon Fly

Hook: TMC 700 # 4-8
Thread: Uni 6/0 Red
Eyes Bead Chain size to match hook
Tail: Craft Fur Hot Pink
Body: Edge Bright Fl. Red
Thorax: Fl. Fire Orange Chenille
Hackle: Yellow Saddle or Metz Soft Hackle
Tail Marker: ChartPak Marker Black

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5 Responses to Rob’s Zebra Comet Chinook Salmon Fly, Fly Tying Video

  1. two dogs says:

    Nice tie, Rob. I suppose you could vary the color depending on the fish you were after. Going to have to try it up here. Thanks for the ideas.

  2. Rob R says:

    I owe the Motion-Prawn tail idea to Tony Torrence. He and I fished together last month and his flies blew me away! Just kinda fell into this weird color combo while looking for a small but bright fly. The yellow hackle is freaky in the water. Just sets off the whole thing. And it has been seriously effective. I’ve been varying color combos, and tying a bunch with black tails, and all are strong performers. The unweighted version has become my favorite, tied on the new Daiichi “Boss” hooks, size 4. Which comes out smaller than a #8 Tiemco 700. For pressured fish, you could go even smaller…

  3. Dan says:

    Do you guys tint your photos or is it the light source? If it’s the light source, aim your camera at the subject, and choose the right white balance.

  4. Rick Allen says:

    Awesome fly!

  5. David Jensen says:

    Can you get Rob to do a Chinook class like Jay’s blueback class?

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