The Spade Skunk is a modern classic steelhead fly. Tied with proven “fishy” materials like peacock, ostrich and Arctic Fox this pattern is fantastic swung down and across in your favorite steelhead run. Weather and water have been cooperating nicely for us this early fall. Steelhead fishing has been consistently good on the McKenzie below Leaburg Dam and the Willamette from Dexter down near the confluence of the McKenzie.–CD
Spade Skunk
Hook: Alec Jackson Steelhead Iron 3,5,7
Thread: 6/0 Black Danville Thread
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Tail: Red Saddle Hackle
Body: 1/2 Peacock 1/2 Black Ostrich
Hackle: Black Saddle Hackle
Wing: Arctic Fox
Hey, that’s a real nice fly. You done good on that one. Will tie up some for the box. Was thinking that I would try some of the UV Minnow Belly either instead of or as part of the Arctic Fox….put a little flash to a few of them for some of those special days. Just got home…….been fishing all day. My new setup is so hot, if I leave if it for too long without fishing, it starts to rattle in the case and calls my name. Ha! Will I won’t go on about fishing, now that you’ve decided to dedicate your life the thrill of the video world…..not that we’re complaining. Thanks, Jay.
Great fly as always. How about some fall ‘nook patterns sometime soon?
Thats Jay??? When did he get a hair cut and some just for men hair dye? LMAO All joking aside nice pattern Tony!
Thanky kind sir…what size for the town run??
2, 4, 6, 8? who do we appreciate!
Not me. I am stuck behind computer and hardly ever ever tie flies or fish or tell fishing stories or have any fun whatsoever. Really. JN
Nook flies on the way, sort of.