August 28: Sea Run Cutthroat Fishing Class with Jay Nicholas where virtually all secrets, techniques, and flies will be revealed.
Think that Lou V. is the only guy who chases these elusive fish on the Oregon
Coast? Nope. So why don’t you hear more about fly fishing for Sea Run
Cutthroat? Because fishing for these fish has gone through periodic surges in
popularity, followed by bouts of collective amnesia, when whole generations of
anglers move on to other pursuits, leaving new generations to re-learn what the
old-timers forgot about where, when, how and what flies to fish.
Then too, Sea Run Cutthroat abundance tends to vary considerably from year to
year. These fish that stay close to their home streams, so the ocean conditions
off Oregon can generate strong or weak runs in adjacent years, making it
difficult for anglers to depend on finding good fly fishing for sea run
cutthroat from year to year. The good news is that these anadromous Pacific
salmon are here, right now, in our coastal streams, as you read this.
No bull. Lou owned up to catching one, at least. Jay Nicholas found this
honest 17″ fresh-from-the-ocean sea run cutthroat on August 8th. This is one of
the larger blueback he admits to catching in several years, and it was honkin’
fat and feisty. Catching this fish got Jay yammering about fond memories of
the spirit with which these fish take flies. It is way-cool, most excellent,
and truly addicting.
Want to come and brush up on the fish, the science of their life history,
fishing techniques, tackle, where to go, when to fish (like from two weeks ago
through October), flies, and fly tying techniques? Here is your chance.
Caddis Fly Shop, Saturday, August 28, 10 AM – 1 PM. Cost is twenty bucks,
space is limited, so make the call to reserve your seat right quick. We are
going to fill the class this next week or cancel: it: seems like I’m having
some difficulty convincing Jay to stay here in town instead of going blueback
fishing that weekend. Go figure.–CD