Reports came in over the weekend, big schools of coho off of Newport. We’d already planned to head out for albacore and bluewater a bit further off, and thought coho would be a good fall back plan. It was.
After racing offshore early in the morning and finding the warmer bluewater had pushed a bit further off than we expected, we headed back toward Newport where the recreational angling fleet was out in force. Trolling our bucktail albacore jigs for a couple hours in the middle of the day, we still managed to bag a couple of the nicest hatchery coho we’ve seen this year. These are some big hens. It’s been a slow ocean salmon fishing season so far, so it’s great news to find grabby schools of coho. If you’re interested in chasing salmon in the salt on light tackle, or skipping flies, call the shop 541-342-7005.
Nate’s developing a whole new way to troll for salmon, and he proved its effectiveness yesterday. Impressive stuff, Captain.