Here are the winners of the Caddis Fly and Hareline Dubbin fly tying contest — this spring’s pattern was the Green McKenzie Caddis.
1st Place: Green Caddis Wet by Ethan Nickel
Hook: Daichi 1560 #10
Thread: Black UTC 70
Body: Grey Ostrich Herl
Rib: Chartreuse V-Rib
Hackle: Ringneck pheasant flank dyed green
Hackle: Badger Hen neck
Antennae: Black Flashabou
Ethan won three different models of the Rite Bobbin fly tying tools
Second place: UVgreen Caddis by Mchael Webb
Hook: TMC 101 #12 (tied large)
Thread: Light Green
Body: Green Chewee Skin
Underwing: 1-2 natural dun CDC feathers
Hackle: Grizzly tinted with green marker, clipped on top
Underwing 2: Two natural dun CDC feathers
Wing: Two quail feathers sprayed with fixative
Clip bottom hackles off for slow water
Michael won a full run of Chewee Skin.
Third Place: Hidden Bead McKenzie Caddis Wet by Dave Reese
Hook: Daichi 1260 #10
Bead: 5/32 black tungsten
Thread: 6/0 black
Body: UV Chewee Skin green
Hackle: India hen natural
Wing: Deer hair
Rib: Copper ultrawire
Dave won a Renzetti soft foam fly tying tool organizer.
Congratulations. Come on by and pick up your prizes guys. Or call the shop. Everybody else, get tying! Next contest will be summer steelhead skater flies, details coming soon.