The Oregon Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers (OFFF) is once again sponsoring the fly tying event for this year’s Oregon State Fair. The objectives of the program are; to promote the craft and artistry of fly tying in Oregon; to encourage the improvement of fly tying, and the creativity of Oregon fly tyers; to inform the public of the extent and craftsmanship of the fly tyers in Oregon. This year the OFFF has added a new twist to promote more participation.
This year the OFFF will have both competitive and non-competitive divisions. This years categories are:
Trout Dry Fly, Trout Wet/Nymph Fly,Steelhead,Classic Atlantic Salmon, and Tyer’s Choice.
In addition to the new categories there are the Oregon Council Club Categories encouraging local clubs to enter and the Junior non-competitive invitational category for youth under 15. Any resident of the State of Oregon is eligible to enter. The entry deadline is August 2.
For further information and explanation of the rules, please contact Jim Ferguson 503-390-5043 or email You may also download entry forms and rules from the OFFF website: www.
This might be a good opportunity to call out officers of the Oregon Council of the FFF on their failure to support wild trout on the McKenzie? Last I heard, the Oregon Council decided to support planters on the McKenzie, in spite of the FACT that planters have nearly exterminated wild trout in 33 miles of the McKenzie.
Until the FFF is willing to honor their commitments under their own native fish policy, they won’t get an ounce of support from me. So have fun at the event, but know that you are supporting a chapter of the FFF that supports planters and is perfectly comfortable killing off wild trout “for the kids.”
Preach on!
I am pleased to report that, thanks to all of the heart-felt support generated by McKenzie anglers and advocates, the national office of FFF has decided to join the coalition. The Oregon Council is moving in a very positive direction as well, and I look forward to announcing their support soon. Wild is the future!
Nicely done there “wild-man”!!!
Nice work Rob.