Steelhead Continue to move into the Willamette Valley

summer fish

Steelhead fishing in the valley continues to get better.  Each day it is a little easier to get up at 4:30 am. Although, I can’t figure out why I continue to get up this early, most of the fish I have hooked, seen hooked, or heard of being hooked have been from 10 am to 8:30 pm. I guess early summer steelhead are a bit like winter fish in that they like the water to warm up a little before they take flies.

Early Summer Steelhead  are  on the move more than they are in the summer and fall. This means that a run that has been fished by another angler my have a new fish or two by the time you run through it. It is helpful to experiment with flies when fishing water that has been fished by other anglers. Flies such as MOAL Leeches, Dirk’s Wiggler, and Pick Yer Pocket, are all great flies to move fish, but a smaller fly such as a Purple Peril, Green Butt Skunk, or Silver Hilton (or the even sexier Paris Hilton) may put the fishes flight/fight option in your favor. Whether you are fishing Spey Rod, Switch Rod, or a Single Hander, about 10 ft of T-14, 10 ft Fast Sinking Polyleader, or VersiLeader will put you in the zone.

Water temps on the Willy have been steady around 50 degrees, but the water level has been fluctuating a bit. The water temp on the Mac is a little cooler, but the flow has been more consistent. Fish are being caught on both rivers.–JC

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1 Response to Steelhead Continue to move into the Willamette Valley

  1. Fishkamp says:

    Ninkasi and Steelhead, NICE!

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