Lower Mckenzie fishing report: Still on despite high water

The lower Mckenzie is coming into shape and produced some fine redsides on a sunny Sunday. This trip set a record for the boat for most fish lost by angler on a trip: which included one steelhead! Noah had the hot rod using the Beldar Double Beaded Stone and the infamous Possie Bugger. However, our other angler manged to land some fine redsides.



Overall, it was a great day to be out on the water. We did see some Mckenzie Green Caddis bombing around but no takes. Angling should continue to improve with better water levels and weather. LV

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2 Responses to Lower Mckenzie fishing report: Still on despite high water

  1. Clayton Holloway says:

    Are you sure that was not confluence down? ; )

  2. Noah says:

    I swear, the flys I got from Lou didn’t have hooks on them.

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