Good times at Native Fish Society Homewaters fundraiser

Last night, your friendly neighborhood River Stewards drove up to PDX to experience the Native Fish Society’s annual banquet and auction. Rob Russell and I rubbed elbows with the Portland fly fishing crowd and made lots of jokes about the bidding war over Jeff Hickman’s package. There were some amazing flies available on the silent auction, including some killer flies from NFS founder Bill Bakke, and a gorgeous set of traditional steelhead flies from Necanicum River Steward Peter Donahower. We also had a chance to check out the 101 Green Butt Skunks project. You can follow the North Umpqua’s Dan Callaghan memorial project on Facebook as well.

Native Fish Society Auction 2010

Native Fish Society Auction 2010

Native Fish Society Auction 2010

Historically a Portland-centric organization, the NFS has done a lot lately to bridge the distance with its supporters in the Eugene area. The NFS has offered moral and financial support to the McKenzie River Native Trout Coalition. And the shop reciprocated with donated trips in the auction to the McKenzie River and a saltwater fly fishing adventure with Captain Nate. If you haven’t supported this organization in the past, now is a great time to get on board and learn more about the Native Fish Society. Bill Bakke, NFS founder will be speaking to our local Trout Unlimited Chapter in May.


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1 Response to Good times at Native Fish Society Homewaters fundraiser

  1. Johnny K says:

    It should be dutifully mentioned that this amazing collection was pretty much single handlely spearheaded by the awesome flytyer as well as just an outstanding fisherman and nice guy, Joel LaFollette. I veiwed this beautiful display at the NW Flytiers Expo last month in Salem and spoke with Joel on this unbeleivable work of art.
    Kuddos to him…

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