March Brown Foam Parawulff

Having a variety of March Brown imitations can be key to a successful day on the water. On some days fish want a high floating traditional, on others they want a pattern that sits low to the water and more closely resembles the struggling emerging adult. In this video Barrett demonstrates using foam instead of dubbing to create a uniform water resistant body. He also shows us how to tie and divide a synthetic winging material called Sparkle Emerger Yarn. The March Brown Parawulff is highly effective late February-April when March Browns are emerging and fish are looking towards the surface. Use pale yellow Sparkle Emerger Yarn and a lighter foam body on a size 16-18 hook and you will have an excellent Pale Morning Dun pattern.

March Brown Parawulff

March Brown Foam Parawulff
Hook: TMC 100 or Daiichi 1180 #12-14
Thread: Uni 6/0 Brown or Tan
Tail: Moose body hair 6-8 fibers
Body: 2MM Tan or Lt. Brown Fly Foam
Wing: Sparkle Emerger Yarn Tan
Hackle: Cree or Grizzly Dyed Brown or One Grizzly and one Brown
Thorax: Stalcups MicroFine dry fly Dub

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1 Response to March Brown Foam Parawulff

  1. ed nestor says:

    great web site really enjoyed the clip on BWO should work well on local streams in PA. thanks

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