McKenzie in great shape, Caddis hatch developing

The McKenzie and Willamette rivers remain in fantastic (low water) condition. Boating and wading conditions are ideal. March Browns continue to emerge daily, however bright and windy conditions have made the usually reliable March Brown fishing a bit slow compared to previous cloudy days.

Sunny days when temperatures edge over about 60 degrees significant numbers of caddis have been present. Caddis emergences have been starting around mid-day and lasting as long as the warmth of the day. Good patterns to match the variety of caddis include: Peacock Caddis size 16,18, Adams size 14,16, Hot Butt Emerging Caddis size 18 and Black Elk Hair Caddis size 16 and 18.

Nymphing with Golden Stone patterns like Beldar’s Double Bead Stone, Carnazzo’s Stepping Stone Golden, smaller Possie Buggers and Beadhead Pheasant Tails remain effective. Try Beadhead Caddis Poopah Olive and Tan, Fox’s Micro Caddis Pupa Insect Green and Bloom’s Gallatin Glo Pupa, Bright Rhyacophila. Enjoy the sunshine.–CD

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1 Response to McKenzie in great shape, Caddis hatch developing

  1. David Jensen says:

    My personal anecdotal evidence of the effects of heavy plants on top of native fish was Saturday when I put in at Hendrick’s Wayside. I hadn’t drifted this in years because of the heavy plant. I was amazed how sparse the natives were until I hit the non-plant zone from Bellinger on down. As Jeff Ziller said at the McKenzie River Guides annual meeting, the evidence is clear that if you dump a bunch of planters on top of native fish, the natives will be harmed. My understanding, right or wrong, is that starting this year, there will be no plants below Hendricks. Hopefully the native population will rebound.

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