This is an excellent dead drift winter steelhead fly pattern for Oregon’s coastal rivers.
The Bead Head Lifter
Hook: Gamakatsu C14S #4-10
Thread: 140 Ultra Thread Pink or Orange
Bead: 5/32 copper bead
Tag: Fine Fl. Chartruese chenille
Body: Large Shrimp Pink Cactus Chenille
Collar: White sparkle emerger yarn
how do you typically fish these flies? Are they fished with lead shot and indicator or on a tip with an upstream cast, dead-drift to swing? I’ve been curious about experimenting with small flies dead-drifted but I’m hesitant to throw lead shot
Depends on where you’re fishing it.
I’d fish this indicator, no split shot needed. It’ll sink fast enough for most of our coastal rivers.
For places with “no-indicator” rules, like the North Umpqua fly water, you could fish a beadless lifter pattern with a tip, cast upstream, etc.
I would use this as a trailer fly, tied in 18″ off the back of a Lowly-Glowly. Then you’ve got the weight you need, no split-shot, and two bugs. More evil than bait.
Wanted to give props to Dan Reynolds, former co-owner of the Scarlet Ibis Fly Shop (R.I.P.) in Corvallis, who originally tied this fly and caught about a thousand winter steelhead on it on the Alsea and Siletz. One of my heroes!