Winter Steelhead Myth Busted

Matt recently wrote of my bushy beard’s seemingly mythic power to bring steelhead to the boat this winter.  It had a good track record and  I went so far as to boast that it wasn’t going anywhere despite it’s potentially ruinous effects on my love life.  Fast forward to last week–the devastation wrought on my personal life was too much to bear and out came the trimmer.   Turns out it wasn’t the beard at all:

Lake Creek Steelhead

The steelheading Monday remained exactly as it has been all season so far. Steady. Another trip, another fish but I haven’t stumbled into one of those magic days . . . yet. It was a heck of a fight though because this fish hit in some really heavy flow and I had no choice but to stand and fight right there.

Anyway, the buck was on the bucked out side but in keeping with my personal philosophy, his was a fatal lapse of judgment. You know what? He cut pretty well.

If you can shake loose this week, do it, the dropping river levels after a sustained period of high water–well, you know what that means.–KM

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3 Responses to Winter Steelhead Myth Busted

  1. Fishkamp says:

    I am going to tell my boss that Karl said I had to go fishing and see if that works. Or maybe I am coming down with something.

    I saw several nice steelie on the N Fork of the Nehalem the other day but none that were interested in my Lowly Glowly. Have to get back out soon as the water is dropping fast.

  2. northernfly says:

    I shaved my beard this month after 21 years but I don’t have any fishing pictures to show off.

    Nice steelhead!

  3. Karl Mueller says:

    Do you need me to write your boss a note?

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