Our latest Hareline Fly Tying Contest, “Unibobber Patterns” has wrapped up.
First Prize goes to: Bill Reinhardt
Bill’s Lucky Bob
Hook: 900BL size 10
Thread: 8/0 Uni-Thread Gray
Tail: Moose Mane
Body: Peacock Herl
Post: Unibobber
Hackle: Grizzly
Second Prize goes to Michael Webb
Michael’s March Brown Emerger
Hook: TMC 2487 # 10
Thread: 8/0 Uni-Thread Brown
Tail: Four Pheasant Tail Fibers
Abdomen: Haretron Dubbing, Lt. Olive Brown+ Olive Ice Dub
Rib: single thread from an onion bag
Wingcase/shroud: medallion Sheeting
Thorax: STS Fiery Brown
Hackle: Brown Rooster
Wing: 2 pinches mallard flank
bubble: clear unibobber
Third Prize goes to our own Barrett Christiansen
Barrett’s “Thingasquid”
Hook/Tube: 2/0 SC17 Gamakatsu, HMH Large Diameter Tube
Tag: Large Polar Chenille U.V pearl
Main Legs: Black Barred Rabbit Strips
Secondary Legs: Uni Flex phosphorescent white, barred with marker
Third legs: Violet u.v sili legs
Eyes: uni-bobber with Electrical tape pupil sealed with liquid Fusion,
posted on small diameter HMH Tube
Mantle: U.V Polar Chenille Pearl
Body: Med. White chenille for bulk, 9″ of .030 lead wire full length of tube,
Crosscut bunny strip Violet and white
Stay Tuned for our next contest to be announced shortly.–CD
Good job all! That squid is crazy.