Fox’s Fertilizer fly tying video: Low-water winter steelhead pattern

Fox’s Fertilizer is an excellent low-water steelhead pattern for indicator fishing. Crank out a bunch of these egg patterns for when the water drops.

Fox's Fertilizer

Fox’s Fertilizer
Hook: TMC 2499SPBL or Gamakatsu C14s #4-10
Thread: U140 Ultra Thread Pink or Orange
Tail: Hot Orange Marabou
Body: Speckle Crystal Chenille Pearl/fl. Orange
Hackle: Cream Hen Hackle

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2 Responses to Fox’s Fertilizer fly tying video: Low-water winter steelhead pattern

  1. David Swart says:

    Another egg pattern oh my,but a good one I used for salmon in size #4 add a littile krystal flash (hot orange) to the taill and under wrap the body with 025 lead give it a try it works.

  2. matt r says:

    Yet another example of steelhead crack.

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