Attention fly fishing photographers: Submit to McKenzie River Trust exhibit

I’m know some of you are excellent photographers and have great shots of the McKenzie. Here’s a chance to show off your work.

McKenzie River Trust is hosting a juried art exhibit for its 20th anniversary at the Jacobs Gallery at the Hult Center in Eugene called “Living River”. The exhibition is open to all artists (professional, emerging, and students) who reside in the Northwest.

2-dimensional and 3-dimensional work in all media will be accepted. Accepted 2-dimensional works must be framed and ready to hang and must not exceed 100 X 100 inches including frame. Accepted 3-dimensional works must not exceed 60X 60 X 60 inches and 80 pounds.

The deadline for submissions is January 30th and the exhibit will take place from April-May 2010. Click here for he submission form and guidelines.

Here are a few of my favorite McKenzie shots:

Upper McKenzie River Trip 2008

McKenzie River Two-Fly Tournament

McKenzie River Rainbows

Lower McKenzie Trip

McKenzie River

Upper McKenzie River Trip 2008

Oregon Fly Fishing Marathon


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1 Response to Attention fly fishing photographers: Submit to McKenzie River Trust exhibit

  1. Joe says:

    Love the photos. Good representations of the water, the boats, and the fish that make the McKenzie one of a kind.

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