Just a quick preview of one fly I will tie at Sunday’s Oregon Fly Fishing Film Festival -– The Last Shadow.
Nah, I’ve never heard this jargon before. Just came to me. This fly is deadly, hazardous to fish, fly tyers, and fly fishers alike. Like the popular phrase goes, it casts small, fishes large, and sinks like a rock. Exaggeration? Of course, but who cares. This is a fun fly to tie, it elicits big grabs, and it incorporates some old and new materials. Guess what – some are even inexpensive!
TMC 300 and Gamakatsu stinger hooks, # 2; Rio Knottable Wire Bite Tippet; Hareline Emulator Baitfish; Alaska Fucia Haze; Grizzly Krystal Flash – copper/blue; Mirage Flashabou; and – – – – –
The list is long but there is much fun in the mix. And I get to use the Petijean Magic tool too!
Come see the behind-the-scenes out-takes on this 20-minute knock-off of a Rob Russell work of art.
Gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing one of these emerge on Sunday.
Last Shadow is a nice name–much better than Jigspinnerplugtruder, which was my vote.
I want to see it in the water!
It’s definitely looking like flash is the new black, these days!
The fish like it, I guarantee, and I already have a ton of GB Skunks already and MUST tie some new stuff.
This flashy stuff is also great for dreaming big dreams the night before a trip.
And yes, Blue is the new Purple/Black.
BTW, two fish grabbed me yesterday on this shiny fly. Only my ineptitude prevented bringing yh fish to hand before release. Then I fell in and soaked my new Cannon G11. Double Dang!
See ya all at the event tomorrow.
Try blue/purple/black. You’ll never go, uh, never mind.
No doubt fish dig the flash.