Dubbing Whirlers Make All Others Obsolete

Four broken dubbing loop tools are piled together in a plastic bag at home. In every case, failure came when the little wires broke from fatigue. I keep these broken toys in hopes of someday getting replacements or some refund for what I feel is poor craftsmanship, but I never make the time. Friends have recommended other tools, like the simple hook version. I tried them all, and they work in a pinch, but I like the little wires.

Last spring I stopped by the shop for yet another replacement. This time I was determined to find a better tool, or at least find a source where I could get new ones every time they broke. Luckily, I ran into Marcos from Hareline Dubbing. He listened knowingly as I ranted about my problem, asking me which kind of tool I liked best and why. The next week I ran into him again and he handed me a couple of “prototypes.” Those tools have performed flawlessly for almost a full year. They have been abused, and there is no sign of fatigue in the wires.

Fast forward to yesterday: While waiting for the foam to settle on my Ninkasi Total Domination IPA (did you read that article in the Sunday Register Guard?), I noticed what appeared to be my dubbing loop tool on the counter. Chris shook me out of my confused daze, “Yes! We are now selling those tools!”


Round Whirler


Hex Whirler

They’re called “Dubbing Whirlers,” and they’re absolutely proven to outperform all other flexi-wire dubbing loop tools. This is great news. And the Caddis is the only shop that carries them (so far). It’s also the only shop with Ninkasi on tap. Am I dead? Am I in heaven?


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1 Response to Dubbing Whirlers Make All Others Obsolete

  1. Matt Stansberry says:

    Gotta say these dubbing loop tools rule.

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