Meet the new boss: same as the old boss

We’ve all been there before. The hope that a fresh face will bring needed changes and make our lives better. So it was in the Columbia-Snake basin. Hopes ran high as the Obama administration declared that it would place science before politics.

Not so. Instead, they decided to go forward with the Bush era plan for Snake River recovery, really a laughable exercise in cynicism rather than anything that has even a remote chance of recovering four endangered Snake River stocks. Perhaps most disapointing is the intentional repackaging of the most odious part of the Bush plan, the “trending toward recovery” standard while retaining the substantive content which could mean that if so much as one additional fish makes it to its natal waters the plan adequate.

We could have seen the administration move towards a solution that protects vested interests in the Snake basin, develops a clean energy economy, delivers and protects jobs and recovers endangered salmon and steelhead.

Instead we get this. It is a sad day for those of us who hoped for better-and more importantly, for the endangered fish of the Columbia basin.–KM

This is a breaking story-the Obama administration announced its intentions today. Read more here.

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7 Responses to Meet the new boss: same as the old boss

  1. Rob R says:

    Wow. Faith is slipping fast.

  2. coolspawner says:

    Nice post KM!
    It gets worse unfortunately, or at the very least, more underhanded.

    The feds have realized that their “trending toward recovery” language used to describe their ‘one more fish equals recovery’ standard is toxic so they have taken it out. BUT they have not removed the content of that standard. It’s still “survival with an adequate potential recovery interpretation”. Wonky, I know. Basically the Obama team has intentionally repackaged the bushy plan, kept the ‘one more fish’ standard, and they are knowingly confusing the media and general public about it.

  3. gregH says:

    I guess that whole team deserves a “You Lie…” Maybe we could sell some tee-shirts with that appropriate sentiment printed boldly on the front!!
    Thx for the update Bartender.

  4. Tom says:

    FOUND – 9-10-09 – Deschutes River.
    Expensive fly box full of flies.
    Looking for owner who I’m sure would like it back.
    Identify to claim.
    Tom – 541-855-8314

  5. joan garrison says:

    Your writings regarding the salmon and other
    species affected by the present administrator is
    disconcerting to me.

    My father was a sportsman’s fisherman, promising a limit to his clients among whom were the governors of Nebraska and Iowa, and other high ranking persons, as well.

    I understand what is happening, and am crest
    fallen to realize that the Bush Plan is heavily
    relied on for answers to the problem, which
    are erroneous..

    Disappointed in Oregon

  6. Karl Mueller says:

    Don’t direct your disapointment at Oregon if you are on the side of the salmon. Oregon remains staunchly opposed to the administration’s plan.

    The Feds are the disapointment … and WA and any of the other major stakeholders that aren’t opposed to the current “plan.”

  7. Frank says:

    “Hopes ran high as the Obama administration declared that it would place science before politics.”

    Empty words from empty politicians ruling from the great shimmering white Imperial City on the banks of the Potomac.

    The Federal Government is bankrupt. Republicans and Democrats are all the same. The ship’s sinking; Oregon had better start loading the lifeboats.

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