TU meeting Wed. night — learn about the Rogue River Dam Removal

Trout Unlimited Meeting Wednesday, Sept 9th, 7pm at the Eagles Aerie, 1375 Irving Rd, Eugene, OR‎
Featuring guest speaker Bob Hunter: Free the Rogue River!

The Rogue River in Southwestern Oregon is one of the nation’s most outstanding rivers. Because of its scenic beauty, world-class whitewater, and internationally renowned salmon and steelhead fishery, it was one of the original group of rivers designated as “wild and scenic” with the passage of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act in 1968.

The Rogue’s salmon and steelhead have long suffered from a series of dams that are now coming down at an unprecedented rate. Removal of Savage Rapids Dam, known as the biggest fish killer on the Rogue, is nearing completion. Last year, the Gold Hill Diversion Dam was removed and Elk Creek Dam was notched. Gold Ray Dam may be removed as early as next year.

Bob Hunter, a staff attorney for WaterWatch of Oregon, will discuss these dam removals and WaterWatch’s “Free the Rogue Campaign”. WaterWatch is a statewide river conservation organization devoted to restoring and protecting natural flows in Oregon’s rivers and has played a leading role in these dam removal projects for the past twenty years. The goal of the campaign is to have a free flowing Rogue River for 157 miles from Lost Creek Dam to the ocean. The goal is now within reach.

Bob Hunter is a past president and honorary life-member of the Rogue Flyfishers, and founding board member of WaterWatch and the Oregon Water Trust. He is also an avid flyfisher.

Even if you’re not a TU member, this is guaranteed to be an outstanding presentation. Please come on by. -MS

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