Earlier this summer, . DeFazio (D-OR) and Sen. Wyden (D-OR) introduced companion bills, H.R. 2888 and S. 1272, designating the 29,650-acre Devil’s Staircase Wilderness, protecting a large section of the Smith River tributary Wassen Creek. The watershed supports wild coho, Chinook, steelhead and sea-run and resident cutts. Check out the video below.
Devil’s Staircase from Cascadia Wildlands on Vimeo.
This is one gnarly section of coast range old growth. Three times this summer already, rescue crews have gone looking for hikers that have tried to find their way in and out of this area. From the recent article:
The Devils Staircase area has no developed trails into the falls and most roads are not signed. All search missions have been due to people over estimating their ability to get in and out of the area in one day.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office advises hikers who visit this area that it may take an overnight trip to complete the route; that GPS units do not work very well in the area due to heavy timber and steep canyons; there are no developed trails; and people need to be prepared for an overnight stay and be well equipped and experienced in land navigation.
Cascadia Wildlands is raising money to make sure this legislation gets passed. You can donate here.
Thanks for posting this. Every phone call to and letter written for Rep. DeFazio and Sen. Wyden lets them know this area is important and deserves wilderness protection. I’m leading hikes into the area this summer (see Cascadia’s website) and encourage interested individuals to go on one. It is truly a spectacular area. For more info, check out http://www.devilsstaircasewilderness.org
I just went there for the first time this weekend. Absolutely amazing! if your adventurous and fit, find a way to go there.
Been gone fishing and almost missed this one… I can not tell you of the new respect I have found towards the “Caddis Fly” and this site, not to mention our local TU club. Because of the way all mentioned above step up on such important matters while others seem to want to take a step back or not make anyone mad…. If not us, then who – if not now, when?
Seems some are elderly and don’t feel like being put upon anymore, while others are young and have not figured it out yet – or are middle aged and in there prime earning years, or just a bit younger and are busy raising the kids. All good reasons I guess, but just who does that leave exactly to carry the fight forward?
Anyway – good stuff guys and thank you.