Omak Lake Lahontan Cutthroat fish porn

Chad Helms sends us this report from a recent Lahontan Cutthroat trip to Omak Lake, Washington.  The majority of the fish were 16-18 inches with many in the 20-24 inch range and the biggest was around 26″. It has been a pretty cold spring and the fish were still somewhat deep, but there were lots around. Looks like a great spring time option to me, thanks for the report Chad.–CD





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2 Responses to Omak Lake Lahontan Cutthroat fish porn

  1. Rob R says:

    Wow! Those look delicious…

  2. Dan says:

    sweet hogs! Me and a buddy went for the first time ever on may 28th, landed 86 fish one day, biggest was 29 inches 9 pounds. Lake is crazy, that was trolling spoons, we stopped to have lunch and nailed um stripping flies in south end shallows. Crazy fishery, nice job

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