Rockfish on the fly: Oregon coast is fishing great

There are plenty of big rockfish to be caught off the Oregon Coast this time of year. Big fish, including ling cod, should be moving into the inshore areas in the next couple months. Look for good weather patterns and throw big clousers to pull up some bruiser bottomfish fly fishing on the Oregon Coast.

Rockfish fly fishing Oregon

Rockfish fly fishing Oregon

Rockfish fly fishing Oregon

Rockfish fly fishing Oregon

Rockfish fly fishing Oregon

This entry was posted in Fishing Porn, Fishing Reports, Oregon Saltwater Fishing. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Rockfish on the fly: Oregon coast is fishing great

  1. Rob Lewis says:

    Damn looks like somebody tore up the black rock fish! Thanks again Nate and Nick! Had a stellar Oregon coast winter day fishing! Hard to beat 65 degrees in the middle of January too!


  2. b-christ says:

    Was the crab fly caught?

  3. Rob Lewis says:

    pot caught!


  4. Matt Siegmund says:

    How come Rob’s fish is soooo small?

  5. Matt Siegmund says:

    That reel in the first pic looks familiar!

  6. yos says:

    those little black bombers hit hard!

  7. Rob Lewis says:

    That was a planned marketing gimmick!

  8. Nicolas Goles says:

    Hi , I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of tackle you are using to chase big lingcod ???

    Rod , line , size of flies ?


    drop me an e-mail goles.nicolas at gmail dot c o m

  9. Matt Stansberry says:

    Right now we’re using standard T14 and T17 shooting heads with regular running lines. But that’s kind of an expensive proposition — considering that I’ve already lost one $35 head already. I’m thinking about a system, making fast sinking heads with leadcore trolling line and mono running lines, but haven’t had time. Maybe losing another $35 shooting head will inspire me. 9-10-weight rods will do the trick. 20lb fluorocarbon leaders and big (but sparse) clousers are the ticket.

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