Saltwater Sharkskin fly line gear review

Like the freshwater sharkskin line the saltwater version casts very well. It’s micro-textured surface jumps through the guides with little surface area of the line actually touching your guides. It differs from the freshwater version in it’s core, a stiffer braided mono-filament core that performs great in warmer temperatures. After fishing the line for five straight days and cleaning it once with Scientific Angler line cleaner  the line has performed fantastically. Most notably the line has avoided tangles and coils almost entirely. We have had zero problems with line laying flat on the bow of the boat or a knot trying to make it’s way through the guides on a bonefish run.

saltwater sharkskin


* Taper designed for longer saltwater casts

* Great shootability

* exact stiffness avoiding tangles

* small welded loop making leader to line connections easy

*excellent floatation

*high vis yellow


*sand paper like sound

*rougher on your hands than a typical fly line

I highly recomend this line for any warm water saltwater fly fishing-CD

Pick up your Saltwater Sharkskin line at

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