Trout Unlimited Cascade High Lakes trip this weekend

Attention current, lapsed, and/or wanna-be Trout Unlimited members! Your local chapter (TU 678) is again traveling into the mountains for high lakes fishing adventures. You may have missed our previous outings this summer but there is still one more opportunity. These trips have been very popular and are a great way to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

From MattStansberry
From MattStansberry
From MattStansberry
From MattStansberry

This month we plan to visit the Benson Lakes complex located in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area. The trip will take place on September 13th-14th. To get there head up the McKenzie Hwy 126 and take the Hwy 242 scenic bypass. Take the turnoff to the left for Scott’s lake and follow the signs to the Benson Lake trail head. The hike into the lake (our base camp) is about 1.5 miles and we will be hiking out from there to reach the other lakes in the area. Waders and float tubes will greatly improve your catching opportunities. A 3 to 5wt fly rod is recommended although light weight spin cast and bait cast setups can also be effective. Fly selections should include wooly buggers, chironomids, pheasant tails, and mayfly patterns. These are overnight trips so please bring a backpack, tent, sleeping bag, and food. The mosquitoes have been worse than usual this year so come prepared. If you have any questions please contact Todd Mullen at 935-2189 before Friday. We hope to see you there. -MS

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