Summer steelhead are in the Eugene town runs in both the Willamette and McKenzie River systems. Good numbers of fish are spread from Dexter dam down through town on the Willy, and anglers are finding fish from Leaburg dam downstream to Hayden Bridge on the Mac. Both swing and dead drift tactics should reward fishermen willing to get up early and put in some time. With lingering high water conditions, a leech swung on a tip seems to be producing best. Good patterns include the Moal leech in various color combinations, and intruder-style flies. Nymph fishermen should do well with sundry stonefly nymphs and egg patterns, although many trout fishermen are incidentally hooking chromers on smaller flies. Although these encounters are often short-lived, they are always exciting. Get out and enjoy these conditions while they last.
Photos from guide Ethan Nickel. These fish were caught over the last several days on local waters.