Wild Caddis Hatches on the Mckenzie

Incredible numbers of small caddis are hatching on the Mckenzie river near Eugene. The bugs are so numerous that Canadian Geese are scooping them off the surface, lowering their heads and not coming back up until they have eaten hundreds of Caddis. The bugs  range from a size #14-18, with  emphasis on the smaller sizes. We are continuing to see March Browns mid day, as well as a few Blue Winged Olives. Look for the Caddis to be strong all through the weekend.  Successful patterns include Peacock Caddis #16-18, CDC Caddis Emerger Tan #16,  Bloom’s Sedge Hammer #16 as well as a host of others in stock now at The Caddis Fly.

Productive fishing hours have expanded. When air and water temps were much colder  the 11-4pm window was prime time. This past weeks warmer temps have made for some good fishing on into evening hours.  Enjoy!!

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