New York state of mind: Striper time

“CAST Nate cast cast!!!!” Capt. Ken Jones begged
“$### I hooked the antenna!!!”


Just like that… the fish are gone again and I had blown my first blitz in over two years on video no less….welcome back!

It kind of figures that the pace of the fishing would match the pace of the “Big Apple”. Thankfully my guide Capt. Ken Jones is a forgiving friend and we laughed it off as we scouted for the following days guiding. An unlikely fishery to say the least New York Bright hosts some of the largest populations of marine life anywhere. In this urban ocean bait, birds, and gamefish whirl in a frenzy that has been going on long before the advent of designer t-shirts, hipsters, or the falafel cart. (Personally I wouldn’t change a thing… I love falafel.) The Bright is teaming with fishes great and small all willing to take a fly! Striped bass, bluefish, various tunas, flatfishes, and numerous salty friends who make seasonal appearances to feed and frolic all within sight of the Empire State Building.


Capt. Ken is one of the guides who pursues these fish in the waters surrounding New York City, but one of the few who do it with a fly rod. Cruising in his 24foot Topaz the “Sweet Pea” Ken sails from Brooklyn, NY to wherever the fish are feeding. This usually means running until you see birds screeching and dive bombing while other anglers scramble to muscle in on marauding fish gorging themselves on whatever baitfish is unfortunate enough to be caught up in the chaos! When the blitz is on it’s all you can do to puke out a 20 foot cast and hold on as your line hopefully clears the deck. All the while you are convinced you hooked cargo ship hell bent on destroying your 10-weight. There will be more to come as the “Fall Run” is in full swing and we will be posting a video soon so stay tuned!

striper nyc

Capt. Ken Jones is a great guide and offers a variety of trips if you find yourself in the New York area ( or you can call the shop for details and we’ll point you in the right direction.


On the road! -NS

Update: Here’s the video

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8 Responses to New York state of mind: Striper time

  1. Hey there Nate, as you mentioned, it was certainly a whirlwind weekend and I could not have been happier to have you aboard the Topaz!
    Just this morning reports flooded into my mailbox of 40lb bass being caught, and the smallest fish being no smaller than 20lbs! So, I sit back and imagine Jose Conseco at the plate swinging for the fences while I witness this moment flashing by and i hear myself mumbling, “now where did i see that fire alarm switch last?”
    Come back soon, it was truly a pleasure to be on the water with you after a very long two years!
    Keepin the hooks sharp,
    Captain Ken Jones
    Jones World Sport Fishing, LLC
    Licensed by USCG (OUPV)
    Member F.C.A.
    Call NOW to book your reservation 646-280-8511 (ANYTIME)
    Be sure to leave a message as I am probably on the water or have my head in the engine box trying to stay warm!!!

  2. two dogs says:

    WHERE IS CAPT. NATE?? Is it true that he’s being held in bondage in a offshore fly tying mill? Nate is that you in the picture man? You look a lot better as a blond let me tell ya, maybe the “vacation” thing has helped. Don’t let them force you to tie more than ten dozen a day and watch out for the bugs on the hooks. Drinks lots of fluids if you know what I mean. Remember, the people that appreciate your true talents wait for you in the NW.

  3. Travis Woodward says:

    Hey Nate, hope you are having fun ripping lips on the east coast…just don’t forget about your west coast bro’s…oh ya, and KEEP LIVING THE DREAM!!!

  4. Rob R says:

    Fish that bite? Sounds interesting.

  5. steve crook says:

    Nate, I miss you already. When you told me you were heading east while loading 3000yrds. of backing on my Ross reel three weeks ago….

    I thought, sheet!!! 🙁

    Keep posting man!!!

    Steve A.k.A.(Mckenzieguy)

  6. Matt Stansberry says:

    You guys will see him plenty. He’s got to come out here to see his nephew.

  7. Yesterday morning reports of 20-40lb bass in the wash flooded my mailbox… I actually turned my phone off for a few minutes in order to keep my sanity under wraps…
    Tomorrow’s fly charter has no idea whats in store for them (hopefully more of yesterday’s fish!!!)
    I’ve always heard, “You should have been here yesterday!” And I always replied, “You better be here tomorrow!”

  8. Rick Allen says:

    Nice fish!
    Is that a switch rod your using?

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